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Our Plan

ExOIS Paths Forward

ExIOS Paths Forward, released Friday October 27, 2023, is a detailed description of the ExOIS vision, the scientific basis, and plans for implementation.

ExOIS White Paper Report

In the Fall of 2022 we created a white paper outlining our plans. You can either review the report online, or download our PDF.

ExOIS forums

To accomplish these goals, we hold monthly virtual “forums,” normally on the third Monday of each month to explore different topics, lasting roughly 90 minutes.  The topics are proposed by individuals and organized by the ExOIS steering committee.  Led by one or more from our group, each date/topic below is linked to materials that came out of those presentations and post forum feedback.  We hope over time to build up a resource that can be shared on these web pages covering many aspects of ocean iron fertilization and the latest research priorities, governance issues, and public policy needs that are integral to this CDR research agenda.

Rather than wait to complete all of these forums, the links to each topic below should be viewed as a “work in progress” not a finished research plan, report, or publication.  You can find published materials and reports in our bibliography tab (under Our Plan), however the links below take you to a growing set of resources that we are developing and making available.  Note the views in each are not necessarily shared by all members of the ExOIS team, and one forum may be followed by another that reaches different conclusions or sets out different priorities. In other words, this is a window to ongoing scientific debate on the approaches, value and risks of OIF.  The goal here is to learn from each other, define  what we think we know and challenge us to seek out the answers to what we don’t know.

Please do not share any of these materials for any purpose without contacting us first. They contain unpublished data and information that may have changed since posted here. And note some of these forums may not yet, or may never result in shared materials, and that the topics for future forums are still being decided.  We are always looking for new forum topics and volunteers to present.

DISCLAIMER: Material presented below represent the views of the presenter/author listed and do not represent the opinions or consensus of ExOIS. The Forum presentation archive is provided for informational purposes only, and you should not rely on the material or information for making any business, legal or other decisions.

Upcoming forums
Date Topic
Oct. 21, 2024Program Office Updates; Final report out from Field Planning Meeting (May 2024)
Nov. 18, 2024Modelling for OIF Experiments: Dennis McGillicuddy (WHOI)
Dec. 2024No MEETING - Happy Holidays!
Forum Topics and Information
Date Topic
Sept. 16, 2024Social governance for OIF in the mCDR space
July 15, 2024Report on the May 2024 Field Planning Meeting. Figures and slides to come.
June 17, 2024OIF carbon durability
May 20, 2024OIF carbon methodology
Mar. 18, 2024Ocean Iron Fertilization in the mCDR space
Jan. 22, 2024Program updates, review of COP28, funding and upcoming events. No public slides to share from this discussion.
Nov. 20, 2023Volcanic contributions of iron to the oceans
  • Chun Hoe (National Taiwan Ocean University): Kīlauea volcanic ash induced a massive phytoplankton bloom in the nutrient-poor North Pacific Subtropical Gyre
  • Peter Fiekowsky: The Pinatubo Pause and Initial Replication Plan
Oct. 16, 2023
  • Fertilization of Al and Fe together in the HNLC oceans as a possible DCR strategy, Linbin Zhou (South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, China)
  • mCDR using clay materials, Mukul Sharma (Dartmouth College, NH, USA)
  • Sept. 18, 2023Natural examples of ocean iron fertilization -
    Aug. 21, 2023Paths forward from the Moss Landing Marine Laboratories meeting. White paper plan to come.
    June 20, 2023Presentations from the in-person Moss Landing ExOIS group meeting. Discussion of paths forward for the group and planning a "Path Forward"
    April 17, 2023Remote sensing and carbon EXPORT

    March 20, 2023Observations of the biological carbon pump

    Feb. 20, 2023Technology for carbon flux observations

    Jan. 23, 2023Opportunities for Funding

    Dec. 19, 2022Geochemical consequences of ocean iron fertilization - Presentation and discussion with Steve Archer & Andreas Oschilies

    Nov. 21, 2022Ecological impacts of ocean iron fertilization - Presentations and discussion with Sarah Smith & Elena Litchman
    Sept. 19 & Oct. 17, 2022What's Next? R&D Planning for Ocean Iron Fertilization - a group discussion

    This discussion led to the ExOIS planning document and white paper: Ocean Iron Fertilization: Assessing its potential as a climate solution (online) or as a PDF Download.
    August 15, 20225 Groups presented at this forum about iron delivery methods and bioavailability.

    July 18, 2022Ocean Iron Field Experiments part II - Southern Ocean (Lennart Bach & Philip Boyd)
    June 21, 2022Building partnerships for social issues and governance. A great discussion of ExOIS Scientists and NGO groups with interest in the topic including the Aspen Institute (Catherine Pollack & Beatrijs Kuijpers), the Environmental Defence Fund (Jamie Collins & Steven Hamburg, Ocean Conservancy (Sarah Cooley) and the Natural Resources Defense Council (Rebecca Loomis).
    May 16, 2022Developing a cost model for Ocean Iron Fertilization (David Emerson, Ben Twining, Steve Archer, Alex Michaud, Laura Sofen & Dan Whaley)
    April 18, 2022What would the next generation, proof of concept ocean iron field experiment look like? Part I- going back to the Equatorial Pacific (Fei Chai and Mark Wells)
    March 21, 2022Adopting a code of conduct of ocean CDR (Margaret Leinen, Kiliparti Ramakrishna and Ken Buesseler)

    This code has now been the topic of two recent publications: